Photo Credit: Stephen Smithburger
- Climbing Warm-Up: Shoulders and Fingers (By Collin McGee) - Certified physical trainer Collin McGee shows us four ways to warm up our shoulders and fingers for climbing: using a hang-bar, a hangboard, the climbing wall, and at the crag. In this informative article, article Collin explains the why's and how's to do a warm up to help prevent injury.
- Effective Training: Are You Getting Stronger or Just Getting Tired? (By Collin McGee) - Professional physical trainer Collin McGee shares tips on how to build strength for climbing and avoid pitfalls.
- Improving Hip Mobility and Strength (By Collin McGee) - Hip mobility and strength are critical for high steps in climbing. Physical trainer Collin McGee shares helpful information about how to improve your high-step game.
- Rock Climber Mobility (By Collin McGee, CSCS, FRCms) - How does our range of motion (ROM) relate to potential injuries in climbing? How might a "canned" online training session become injurious to us if we don't know our true range of motion? How do we best train when considering range of motion - both to prevent injury and get stronger? Climbing physical trainer Collin McGee walks us through these important climbing training concepts - ones that are often ignored to our own peril.
- Train the Mind. Mental Toughness Tips for Quarantraining (By Brianna Boney) - Behavior change expert Brianna Boney provides clear, helpful tips on how to build mental toughness during CoVID quarantine (that can be applied to climbing or life beyond) .