Photo of Kylie Cullen taken by photographer Michelle Ranaee Johnson. Michelle is featured in an interview the women's edition.
PREFACE TO THE EDITORIAL: Compared to the elegance and refinement presented by the women that grace this edition, my editorial might be considered... crass. But, as I pondered presenting a women's edition in Common Climber, I realized I don't need to sell you on the awesomeness of the women presented on these pages - they do that all on their own - each with her her own unique story worthy of your eyes and mind.
Instead, I divert from lofty words of stoke and wander into "no man's land," highlighting a few "unmentionables" that are challenging realities for women. These are topics that are most comfortably ignored or swept under the rug. Now, as I grow older and give less-of-a-shit about "curbing my words," I am willing to outwardly assert that women have a very real set of additional physiological challenges to face - above and beyond the rock, mountain, or glacier in front of them. Read on to learn a little more - if you dare ;-). |
Mt. Logan Solo: When Passion Overcomes Fear (by Monique Richard) - Monique is driven by the freedom of climbing and climbing solo is the ultimate freedom, which also bears the most risk. Monique shares her emotional and epic tale of tackling Mt. Logan, the tallest peak in Canada (19,551 ft/5959 m). In her words: "It was the culmination of all my ascents and expeditions to the four corners of the the most hostile conditions that I have encountered in my mountaineering life."
Climbing is My Art (by Christine Kuebler) - "I never intended on becoming an alpine climber. If you went back in time and told me this is what I’d be doing in my life I would have laughed at you." An artist and mother redefines herself after some heart-breaking life-events.
INTERVIEW: Photographer, Michelle Ranee Johnson (Fresno, CA) - See that beautiful image at the top of the page? That's by Michelle Ranee Johnson. Explore some of Michelle's other images and learn their stories, as well as, how Michelle arrived to climbing and climbing photography.
PROFILE: I am a Common Climber: Caitlin Schokker (New Castle, Australia) - Common Climber editor Dave Barnes, met Caitlin at Mount Piddington in the Blue Mountains of Australia. She was making light work of a classic middle grade crack climb. Caitlin had buzzing energy and her red hair glowed in the sun like a flame. She has a passion for the game. CC asked Caitlin if she could share and explain her love of climbing.