Photo Credit: Daga Dygas
Get creative with poetry and prose!
- A Bard of Yosemite (By by Scott Peterson) - There are Bards in Yosemite. In this magical place there are many. A Bard is that spinner of tales, a weaver of yarns, a teller of stories, a provocateur of the absurd. I am a Bard, a Traveling Troubadour of The Obscure. I seek those tales, stories, and places that others might pass by and miss.
- Anti-social Climbers (By Leesa Gallia) - A humorous poem about climbing addiction.
- Aralipean Sojourn (by Keith Bell) - Every climber has a place they hold dear to their heart, where the memories always remain fresh, and friends become family. Savor Kieth Bell's poetic tribute to one of the most special climbing areas in Australia.
- Feeding the Rat - A Poem by Roger Chao based upon Al Alvarez's mountaineering classic Feeding the Rat.
- Finding Poetry (By Alex Willis) - A thoughtful, reflective prose.
- Ice is Nice, Wetter Isn't Better (By Leesa Gallia) - A humorous ode to ice climbing.
- Sojourn at Dyurite (By Keith Bell) - A tribute to the climbing at Dyurite (Mt. Arapiles, Australia)
- The Space Between (By Alison Singer) - A love poem for a climber by climber.