Photo Credit: Bryn Sillorequez
Writings in this category focus on climbing equipment, but are not reviews.
Listed alphabetically (numbers at the bottom):
Listed alphabetically (numbers at the bottom):
- Alien Sex Toy... Or How the Alien Got Its Name (By Jeff Smoot) - Jeff Smoot dredges up some long forgotten - or perhaps never known - history of how the now-infamous Alien cam actually got its name...
- A Rack Retrospective (By ChristmasForTheBirds) - "I have had this thought rattlin’ around in the back of skull. Sort of a rough history of the SLCD as told through the lens of my rack. 50% Educational, 50% Bullshit, 100% something to entertain you for like six and a half minutes while under quarantine. I’ve got the cams and I’ve got the time...So here it goes, it is my pleasure to present to you...A Rack Retrospective: Season 1 Episode 1: 4 EVER FRIENDS..."
- Cam Ranges (+ Big Bros) (By Rick Momsen) - A useful (and quite pretty) spreadsheet showing the ranges of every cam (and big bro) available as of May 2020. Gear nerds - enjoy!
- Carabiner Strength Ratings (by Juan Rodriguez, 2016) - A helpful tutorial on carabiner strength ratings and why those ratings are important.
- Guide Books Follies (by Stefani Dawn) - Ever had an epic (or a mini) because a guidebook left out important information?
- Introduction to Climbing Shoes: Selecting a Fit (by Juan Rodriguez) – Climbers are often given the advice to buy a tight-fitting climbing shoe. Find out why this might not be your best choice.
- Rope Buying 101 (By Stefani Dawn) - A frank guide (based on experience) to buying your first rock climbing rope and the why’s to back it up.
- Shit Happens - Or, Why You Need a Walkie Talkie (By Stefani Dawn) - If you’ve ever read forums about multipitch climbing you’ve probably seen threads (aka. arguments about 30-seconds away from a fist-fight) about best communication practices... Frankly, the simplest way to deal with communication on a multi-pitch climb is to get a freaking walkie talkie... Stef takes you on a mini-epic, illustrating the why of walkie talkies.
- The ONE Item to Stockpile (by Stefani Dawn) - As climbers we love our equipment, but of all the gear we use there is ONE item worth stockpiling.
- Which Way Should I Carry My Trad Rack? (by Stefani Dawn) - Any f'n way you want! This article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of three different ways to carry a trad rack. Choose the way that works for you.
- Why GriGris Suck (By Stefani Dawn) - "Although my previous interactions with the GriGri have been less than satisfying, I thought perhaps being forced to use it might allow me to refine my technique and gain a mature appreciation for the device – perhaps like learning to appreciate the finer side of brussel sprouts or liver. But, now that I have had the full-on GriGri experience, let’s just say my attitude has shifted from a mild shunning to a full-on 'I hate this piece of shit.'"
- 8 Reasons I carry a Full Rack on Every Trad Climb (By Stefani Dawn) - I stood at the bottom of that 40 foot 5.5 crack with my full double rack up to a #5 cam. My friend and climbing partner looked at me with a wry smile, pointed at my excessive gear, and said with a laugh, “What’s all this? Is there a whole other mountain up there?”