As the world struggles with a pandemic, climbers share their experiences.
- COVID Climbing Memes (By Bad Beta Bouldering) - Memes almost always makes things a little lighter, don't they? Here's a little humor to help get us through some challenging times.
- COVID-19 Remakes Our Lives (By Dierdre Wolownick)
- Dear Memory (By Matt Spohn) - Climber, climbing photographer, and talented writer Matt Spohn captures a very, very moving moment in CoVID time.
- From Couch to Lifting Couches (By Lisa Vitaris) - Australian climber Lisa Vitaris shares the myriade of physical activities she did - or attempted to do - during quarantine.
- How to Climb and Avoid the Coronavirus (By Dr. Julian Saunders) - Julian is an accomplished climber, frequent contributor to climbing journals, and offers online Osteopathic consultations for climbers. Here he discusses the possible variations of climbing (or not) during this pandemic. His article is accompanied by some beautiful photos of classic climbs around the world - illustrating how we are all in this together.
- The 5.10 Commandments (By Carrot) - Struggling with the COVID quarantine and the muscle loss that comes with it, Carrot creates the 5.10 Commandments for post-quarantine climbing.
- Trying to Send This Route: Getting Through the COVID-19 Crisis Without Climbing (by Heather Supinie) - Climber and blogger Heather Supinie shares her experiences with the CoVID shutdown, including being an employee of a climbing gym.